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The Popularity of Your Tweets Can Be Predicted |...

6 Luglio 2013 , Scritto da Giorgio Fontana

The Popularity of Your Tweets Can Be Predicted | @scoopit http://t.co/RpGSJvolxI Giorgio Fontana (@giorgio_fontana) July 06, 2013 Three university researchers have come up with a model they suggest can predict how popular a tweet will be. This formula...

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How the brain creates the 'buzz' that helps ideas...

6 Luglio 2013 , Scritto da Giorgio Fontana

How the brain creates the 'buzz' that helps ideas spread | @scoopit http://t.co/aU9zkuSVJF Giorgio Fontana (@giorgio_fontana) July 06, 2013 How do ideas spread? What messages will go viral on social media, and can that be predicted?

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Rebooting 2nd Screen & Social TV: Interactive...

5 Luglio 2013 , Scritto da Giorgio Fontana

Rebooting 2nd Screen & Social TV: Interactive TV 3.0 | @scoopit via @Macedoines http://t.co/GBkv5Kn4oK Giorgio Fontana (@giorgio_fontana) July 05, 2013 Tweet In a world when all the statistics on simultaneous tablet/mobile and TV are indicating a massive...

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NBCUniversal: “Transmedia storytelling will be a...

5 Luglio 2013 , Scritto da Giorgio Fontana

NBCUniversal: “Transmedia storytelling will be a part of Social TV” | IP&TV News | @scoopit via @Monrod http://t.co/TwcpNcBGqa Giorgio Fontana (@giorgio_fontana) July 05, 2013 Lisa Hsia, executive vice-president of Bravo Digital Media at NBCUniversal,...

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The Latest Post-Digital Revolution: The Internet...

5 Luglio 2013 , Scritto da Giorgio Fontana

The Latest Post-Digital Revolution: The Internet of Things, Big Data and Ubiquity | CCCB LAB | @scoopit http://t.co/Yl6PA9u0wl Giorgio Fontana (@giorgio_fontana) July 05, 2013 The Latest Post-Digital Revolution: The Internet of Things, Big Data and Ubiquity...

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Dati AudiSocial Tv | @scoopit...

5 Luglio 2013 , Scritto da Giorgio Fontana

Dati AudiSocial Tv | @scoopit http://t.co/0vFu5Q7CbO Giorgio Fontana (@giorgio_fontana) July 05, 2013 Sono "Uomini e Donne" (Canale 5) e "In Onda Estate"(La 7) i programmi più seguiti della settimana su Facebook e Twitter.

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Saskia Sassen al convegno Technologies, Global...

5 Luglio 2013 , Scritto da Giorgio Fontana

Saskia Sassen al convegno Technologies, Global Cities and Law parla di Smart City - Postcinema | @scoopit http://t.co/bloP2sea8X Giorgio Fontana (@giorgio_fontana) July 05, 2013 Da vedere questo video dell'intervento della studiosa Saskia Sassen al convegno...

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The internet of you: How wireless medical implants...

5 Luglio 2013 , Scritto da Giorgio Fontana

The internet of you: How wireless medical implants will change medicine | @scoopit http://t.co/BX5lxJzxPL Giorgio Fontana (@giorgio_fontana) July 05, 2013 In the future, patients and doctors will monitor health with data collected constantly inside the...

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Why You Need To Unplug Every 90 Minutes | @scoopit...

4 Luglio 2013 , Scritto da Giorgio Fontana

Why You Need To Unplug Every 90 Minutes | @scoopit http://t.co/B0UHj1ftNQ Giorgio Fontana (@giorgio_fontana) July 04, 2013 You're an organism. And organisms run in cycles. Here's how to work with yours.

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Sexbots, Ethics, and Transhumans | @scoopit via...

4 Luglio 2013 , Scritto da Giorgio Fontana

Sexbots, Ethics, and Transhumans | @scoopit via @Wildcat2030 http://t.co/IzV4AL9rQY Giorgio Fontana (@giorgio_fontana) July 04, 2013 "I zoomed in as she approached the steps of the bridge, taking voyeuristic pleasure in seeing her pixelated cleavage fill...

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